Hello, my lovely readers!
It's time for a mid-year freak out tag. I think it's fitting this year as most of us have been freaking out since March. But let's not freak out about 2020 here, let's freak out about books instead.
I have been reading so much more this year than last year, and most of it's thanks to our friend Corona. Since March, I have been studying from home, and almost everything has been cancelled. Some of my trips were cancelled too, and I couldn't travel in my home country until June. So, I had more time in my hands and have spent most of my time at home.
But I feel like I have been little burned out in July and have read less, but I have done many other things in July.
I know my mid-year freak out tag is little late, but I did have time until now to do this. Hope you still enjoy reading this.
1. How much have you read?
So far I have read 242 books this year, and that isn't even all of them because I didn't want to add rereads to Goodreads. Best reading months for me were March and May. I read so much.
2. What have you been reading?
Mostly romance books and most of my books are KU. I read so many Reverse harem books in this spring that it felt like I had read everything out there. I usually go through periods where I want to read specific kind of books. This year I have gone through historical fiction, fantasy, BDSM, age gap, paranormal, erotica, dark, academy, mystery and omegaverse periods.
3. Best books you've read so far in 2020?
I have read many good books and can't decide faves. These are some of the books that I will remember and probably read again and again.
4. Best sequel you've read so far in 2020?
Here are some of my fave sequels. Couldn't pick just one.
5. New releases you haven't read yet but want to?
OMG, there are so many that I need to read. I kind of lost track of the new releases this summer. I joined so many new reading groups on Facebook, and because of that, I got so many new book recommendations. But I will catch on.
6. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year?
These are some of the books I'm dying to read. I hope they come quickly.
7. Biggest disappointment?
I don't think I have read anything disappointing this year. Or at least I can't remember. So, no book for this.
They were all happy surprises. These may be some that I found accidentally and liked or ones that I wasn't quite sure I would like.
9. New favourite author?
Here are some of my new fave authors I discovered this year. I'm not quite sure if I found Kathryn Moon last year or this year, but it shows that I read my first book from her this January.
- Kathryn Moon
- Serena Akeroyd
- Joely Sue Burkhart
- Dahlia Briar
10. Underrated gems you've discovered recently?
These are some underrated gems that I discovered. I feel like people don't talk about these books and they should be loved.
I didn't do much rereading this year. I found many new amazing books. But here are few and they are my faves too.
12. A book that made you cry?
I so wept while reading these. All of them get happy endings, so I was happy at the end.
13. A book that made you happy?
These are book that I either found were happy books for me, or the characters were funny. I was happy about the endings and their relationships. And of course how things turned out in the book.
14. The most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received)?
These are the most beautiful books I have received this year. I really like these covers.
15. Goals for the rest of the year?
My goals for the rest of the year are:
- Read more
-Write my blog more
- Being more active on Instagram
- Studying more
- Maybe join a few street teams
What would be your answers? I would love to know. Do you have any goals for the rest of the year, tell me?
Have you read any of these books I have mentioned? What did you think about them?
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