It all starts at Midnight August 8th through Sunday, August 9th!
I longed for her.
Even after all these years, I still wanted her.
Sophie Strong walked out of my life five years ago to become America's next pop idol.
But everything didn't go as planned.
And now she's back in D.C.
Back within my reach.
I was just a kid when she left, but I built my fortune while she was gone.
I will have her, and she will come to me willingly.
This time, I'm not letting her go.
How did everything go so wrong?
Everyone hates me now.
One moment I was the world's hottest pop star and the next I'm back in D.C. trying to finish my college degree because it's all I have left.
And of course, I have to run into the one man I don't have the guts to face.
Connor and I were best friends but what are we now?
And why do I have these feelings for him after all this time?
Read the first two books of the Infamous Trilogy absolutely free on Amazon midnight August 8th through Sunday, August 9th
Chasing the Idol ➡⠀
Running from Fate ➡
And grab a copy of Beating the Odds at the pre-order price ➡
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