Infamous series Giveaway


Celebrate the launch of Beating the Odds with by entering to win a $25 gift certificate to Amazon!

Entering is simple!

1. Follow Ivy on insta (@ivywyldauthor) and on FB (

2. Comment on and share this post

3. Use this link ( to confirm your entry


Winner is announced August 15th at 3pm EST and will be emailed their prize!


Beating the Odds

Sophie's past is fast catching up with her, leaving her running and trying to spare Connor from harm.

But he's having none of it.

He lost her five years ago and he wasn't going to lose her again.

He'd chase her down

and win back everything they'd stolen from her.

Read the dramatic conclusion of Sophie and Connor's story in BEATING THE ODDS!

Pre-order at $0.99 for a limited time ➡
